Sunday, 29 May 2016

Blogger of the Week

Check out Martin's great work this week. He has even included a new DLO to share his new learning!  Way to go Martin!

Friday, 27 May 2016

Super Stars of Week 4

Wow look at all these certificate recipients this week!  We have key coms, attendance certificates, cross country awards, basketball awards, high five prizes.  Great job Blake, Luke, Finn, Larkin, Martin, Aimee, Aniya, Rylan and Larissa!  M1 are proud of you!!

Monday, 23 May 2016

Blogger of the Week

Check out  Cruz's blog and see what fabulous learning he has been up to!  Make sure you leave them a positive, constructive comment.

Saturday, 21 May 2016

Week 3 Achievers

A great week in M1 this week. Aniya was recognised for a Random Act of Kindness. Martin and Rowan were rewarded for great learning this week!  Well done team!

Friday, 13 May 2016

Wet weather fitness

Well the weather hasn't been so kind to us for our fitness programme so we have bought out the favs on Gonoodle. We love Milkshake and Maxarena!

Awesome Achievers this week

Congratulations to Harris, Aniya, Aimee and Honor in receiving their cross country certificates for coming in the top three!!  Wahoo!  Aimed and Aniya are off to the West Coast cross country in 2 weeks time!
Congratulations to Zaheer and Honor who received M1s Key Com certificates this week for their fabulous work!  
Who will be next weeks recipients?

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Blogger of the Week

Check out   Rhys' Blog .He is Mamaku 1's blogger of the week.  Rhys has just started with us this week and has taken to digital learning like a duck to water!  We look forward to sharing your learning journey with you Rhys!

Friday, 6 May 2016

Week 1 Term 2

Check out these clever M1 learners this week!
We welcomed Rhys to our class, Finn and Simon were recognised for their great work and Luke had an awesome first ever game of basketball. Tino pai guys