Wednesday, 4 November 2015


Good morning team!
Yes the athletic sports are on so I am away.  I ave put your classes on the whiteboard as promised.  Your plan for the day is as follows.

9.00 Head to your allocated class for roll, admin etc.
9.15 Literacy interchange.  Go to either room 10 or 11 for literacy.  Miss Leigh is in charge so she will direct you :)
11.00 Maths - Room 10 Maths Group - STAY in your allocated class and work on the activity you were set.  The rest of you go to your MAths interchange class for your usual day.
12.00 - Return to your allocated class.  You can be working on your RWC activities or one of the colouring sheets.
1.15 Silent Reading - joining in with your classes.  You can do RWC or sheets again
2.15 Schools Singing.

Have a great day.  Be GOOD!!!  See you Friday :)

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