Friday, 27 March 2015

Healthy Food

Room 10 are becoming healthy food and eating experts.  Check out our links to our slides below!

Callum and Frankin - Healthy Food
Corianna and Megan - The Wonder of Food
Kaede and Ella - Healthy Food
Katelynn and Lara - Healthy Food
Jessica and Jazmine - Healthy Food
Kaine and Ruby - Healthy Foods
Kaleb and Alex Cl - Healthy Foods
Adi's Healthy Food


  1. If you don't know where to begin when it comes to making healthy food choices -- or if you are already following a healthy, wholesome diet but need some new recipe ideas -- we have gathered together our 10 favorite blogs to turn to for fresh, seasonal, whole-grain cooking (and baking). Million Ways to Live

  2. We loved your slideshows because they teach people about healthy and bad food. Pearse Room 12. Karori Normal School.

  3. We love your slideshows about allergic reactions and about bad and good foods. Zach. Room12. Karori Normal School.

  4. I love your slideshows, how did you make them? Alex - Room 12 Karori Normal School.


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