Friday, 13 May 2016

Wet weather fitness

Well the weather hasn't been so kind to us for our fitness programme so we have bought out the favs on Gonoodle. We love Milkshake and Maxarena!


  1. We totally love Milkshake too! Our fav bit is when we say it British : ) We make up other ones too like slow motion, being a zombie or doing it in reverse. What's your favourite bit? from Room 8

    1. Hi there Amy, we love Gonoodle! We also like the British , its pretty cool. We love watch our character grow!!!

  2. Hi Mamaku 1
    I like your cool dance moves.I wish you could teach me how to dance.I like the milkshake dance and my favorite part is when we shout it out so loud like a lion roaring and chasing it’s prey. Why do you guys do gonoodle during wet play?
    From Raymond

    1. Hi Raymond, thanks for your message. We do Go noodle during our wet days as our fitness so we can burn some energy. We are a class of 19 boys and 6 girls! So we have lots of energy to burn!

  3. Talofa lava Mamaku 1,
    I like how you started your new blog post.Were you excited when you put your first blog post on your blog? I was.Keep up the good work!
    From Mandita

  4. KIA ORA,Mamaku
    I like your awesome dance moves I wish I can dance like you guys are so awesome!I really like the milkshake song.My class dances milkshake and we went CRAZY! but we liked it anyway.Thank you from paris and from setoga class

  5. Hi Mamaku 1 You guys have amazing moves. Is it alright if you can teach Setoga class how to do your jump jams? Feel free to look at my learning on my blog. This is the link to my blog click here

  6. Hello Mamaku 1
    I love how you have danced in your video .I wish I could do the song maxarena. Maybe next time you could sing to the song Macarena. From Beni.

  7. Hi Mamaku 1
    I love how you danced in the video. We are really good at it.You should try doing, it is not that hard but there might be some tricky bits. Next time you should sing the song while you are dancing.

    Sincerely Sela

    Here is the link to my blog


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